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Time On My Hands


Rather than worry about what’s to come, I’ve decided to make the most of my spare time by doing the things that help keep me grounded and centred. The first on my list is meditation and I’ve promised myself I’ll do at least 1 hour practise every day.

If ever I feel stuck and need answers, meditation is always my go-to and over the years I’ve realised that the more I practise, the more clear my life path becomes.

Rewind 6 months ago when I was working flat out on a cruise ship. One thing I craved the most was time to myself, I was literally a workhorse giving my energy to guests all day long. It was the most physically demanding thing I’ve ever experienced and time was so precious, it was like gold dust. I remember waking up one morning and thinking right, I’ve had enough, I need to go home, and just like that I booked a flight and was out of there. Thank God. I can not begin to imagine what it’s been like, to be stuck on a cruise ship whilst all this is going on. I can’t help but think someone was watching over me 😇.

So here we are in a situation that’s out of our control and right now, against all odds, I have all the time in the world. I feel truly grateful to be around my family, the only thing that makes me feel safe when things go wrong. So what do I do with all this spare time?

I’ve decided to make a room here at my dads into a beautiful calm space. I have my Tibetan bowls which I love, they remind me of my trip to India, a deeply spiritual time where I met some beautiful souls such as Pegah, check out her page @yes2healthyminds.

Did you know that Tibetan bowls are amazing for relaxation and healing? The vibration gets me every time. I’ve also managed to find my little bag of Palo Santo (thank you god), I love the aroma. It’s one of my favourite essential oils and it’s great for aromatherapy and healing. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned my love for Palo Santo. It has so many amazing benefits and it’s a natural alternative medicine for relieving flu symptoms, common colds, stress, asthma, headaches, anxiety, depression, inflammation, emotional pain and many other conditions. If ever there was a time to invest in Palo Santo it’s now!

It’s also great for clearing energy, be it your bedroom, office, car or even your whole house. If you’re anything like me and can literally walk into a place and feel the mood, Palo Santo may be your go-to. I use it before I start any meditation to clear the energy and boost my mood. I’m fascinated by energy!

Now I have time on my hands, I’m going to dedicate more time to blogging, another love of mine. I hope you find a way to find peace in this surreal time. I’m counting my blessings and feeling grateful for the little things in life, no matter how trying things are ✨.

Image via Pinterest

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